Are you struggling to pay your bills right now? Tap here

The 60-second self assessment will give you an idea if we can assist.

60-second self assessment CLAIM REVIEW

Both FHRA and creditors will assess your application for hardship. We recommend to all creditors that your accounts are placed on hold and interest frozen during this process.

Claim review GET RESULTS

Once the claim review is completed, you will receive notification of the outcome. If your claim is approved, there is nothing else for you to do.

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What is Hardship?

Hardship isn’t just a money issue. Life altering events also matter. Divorce, separation, domestic violence, disability or catastrophic illness - many different situations can qualify you for relief from creditors under hardship regulations.

Click here for our simple assessment

Feel in Control in Times of Crisis

The sooner you register with FHRA, the sooner you can take back control of your unique situation. Feeling in control is the first step in rebuilding and recovering. You owe it to yourself and your family to take positive steps toward peace of mind.

Creative Finance Solutions

Even if your situation doesn’t qualify you for the registry, there are numerous organisations that can help consolidate, reduce or even eliminate some debt. We can help direct you to service providers who may be able to help your situation.

about us

We help individuals and families just like you in these difficult and stressful times.

When you apply for entry on the Financial Hardship Register Australia your status is distributed to all our partners including creditors.

Some examples of people who can be approved for hardship are:

  • Victims of domestic violence
  • Death or injury in the family
  • Health issues in the family
  • Change in employment status
  • Sudden increase in bills due to change of circumstances
  • Natural disasters
  • National or local crisis